Our Current Willow Paints Mission (June 2023)

Our Current Willow Paints Mission (June 2023)

I recently watched a documentary film by the name of Wild Beauty, and because of this film, my whole life was shifted.

Here's a bit of a backstory: Wild Beauty was produced by its wonderful director, Ashley Avis, and filmed by her and her team. This film follows Avis and her team, as they spend time documenting and simply learning the great Onaqui wild Mustangs, as well as showing many other wild herds in the U.S. It interviews many knowledgeable people, including persons from the Bureau of Land Management and wild life biologists, on the topic as to whether the round ups of the wild horses are really necessary, and the real reasons as to why they happen. In addition, this film illuminates the harsh reality of what these horses are forced to endure during and after the round ups.

This film brought me to tears. Not only tears, this film had me bawling my eyes out, realizing that I (finally) understood what my beloved best friend (Willow) had suffered, as she was forcefully driven from her home, and the terror that lasted until even long after. 

Now, you may be wondering, "okay Alyssa, so this film changed your life. But how? And How does this play into Willow Paints?" Let me further explain my thoughts, feelings, and ultimate goal (as of now) with our art studio.

Not only did this film illuminate many truths to me as I was watching it, but what came after was a moment (or rather moments) that I will never forget. Crying my eyes out, I walked from my house to our one acre horse paddock where Willow, Cody, and Sinsi were eating their hay nearly out of site. It was late at night, but the moon was shining just enough to see the shape of three horses. I stepped into the pen, with no intention to go all the way up to them, but I wanted to feel them. After walking only a few feet, I felt this strong powerful wave, forcing me to the ground. My legs went limp and I gave in to this force, now sitting on the ground. Crying. Bawling. Willow looked over at me and in that same moment, started speed walking toward me. Sinsi followed, then Cody. Willow stood just above me, I could touch her, I could feel her. Sinsi wasn't more than three feet from me, and Cody was about the same distance directly behind. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I repeated over and over, as I Namaskar the two angels in front of me. Well, they heard me. All three of them. And they showed us (Dad and me) that they feel safe and happy, that we are all a family. I can't explain that sense of feeling so hopeless and ruined, for them, and being regarded with this wave of reassuring me that it wasn't my fault, and that they feel my positive intentions. After they all sniffed noses, and comforted us as best they could, Willow decided to take a moment, and she walked away. But her energy was screaming for me to follow. So I did. And the conversation we had in that moment was where the new Willow Paints mission was born.

I told her how sorry I am that she lost her family, and that they were forced the way they were. I told her how sorry I am that she had to witness the horrors and be kept prisoner, for no wrongdoing of her own. They didn't and don't deserve it. In this conversation, Willow now laying on the ground next to me, I said, "speak. Talk to me, tell me what you need. I will be your voice." Willow took a deep breath, as to say thank you, and this wave of an idea flowed through me, from her. Willow Paints. Willow can show others her story through her paintings, and I can share it with the world. Together, we will work to change the system. I also told her how I am not sorry that she is here, that we have the connection that we do. With that said, Willow  and Sinsi are not supposed to be here; they were born to be wild. But what is past, is past. However, I am on a mission to help change that for the future Wild Mustangs as well as the already captured horses who are still living their lives in misery. 

Our mission for Willow Paints is to tell Willow's story, and through that, tell the story of her family members and the Wild Mustangs still roaming free. I want to help give Willow closure for what happened to her and her family, and I want to help save the still free roaming Wild horses from capture. With this, the money that comes from you, our wonderful customer, will go either directly to Willow and her current herd for food, vet care, hoof care, etc. and also for painting supplies and any opportunity that will allow me and Willow to further share her story with the world. Some of the proceeds will also be donated to organizations, films, non-profits, etc. that are committed to sharing the story of American Wild Horses, protecting them, sharing our story, etc.. You can find our paintings which we will be donating the proceeds of, and details as to where the money goes, in our Helpful Hooves gallery. 

We thank you so very much for any amount of help you can provide us. It means so much to us that our story speaks to you, and that you are willing to help.

Thank you.

With much love, thanks, and gratitude,

Willow and Alyssa 🧡🙏🏼🩷


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